Friday 27 February 2009

An Alternative View

Whether you agree or disagree with the differing views on infidelity scattered around various blogs, one thing cannot be disputed: it produces the best (and often most self-indulgent) music. From the anger of most of Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill album, Rihanna’s aptly named hit Unfaithful, Damien Rice’s B side Lonelily (which also proves that this level of self-indulgence means that nobody seems to mind when you make up words) to Joan Armatrading’s Weakness in Me, music is at its best when we surrender to a little infidelity. So, morals aside, the aisles of HMV would be quieter places without infidelity.

Mrs Duplicity, Telford

1 comment:

  1. this may be a positive aspect but does it ancel out the hurt caused displayed in these songs, a lot of people singing about this are generally distressed and upset about what has caused them to write their songs. should we be exploiting there pain so we can have a party (with their music)aren't we just s bad as the cheater, they must be wrighting their music to make other people aware of the badness out there not to fund hmv.
